This is the final level to our Change Series. Congratulations if you’ve been on this journey from the beginning with me.
It’s been a long journey since the first article published on 15 February 2018 about Depression. If you’ve been applying these steps as you’ve been reading my Blogs then it would have taken this long to apply some of the new habits and behaviours you’ve implemented. Am I right?
If you’ve only joined us now on this Blog series, I encourage you to go back and start from the beginning at the Depression Blog and work your way up the 7 stages of the Change Ladder.
When we make it to Success, the seventh level of the ladder we feel completely in control of our life, habits and behaviours to the point life starts generating it’s own fate in a positive direction. When we align ourselves with good things in our lives the Universe starts to give us the things we need with less effort. Alignment and the Universe tend to meet and create opportunities we’ve never dreamed of.
We start to feel fulfilled, energic and addictive to our new lifestyle. Everything outside of our new direction is non-negotiable and the application of discipline is almost disturbing. We start taking holidays and breaks because we’ve created a life by design. We start to attract abundance and gain more clarity of where we’re heading 5 / 10 / 15 years down the track. We’ve adopted a belief that we can’t go back to our old ways as it seems so foreign and far from reality. We start to ask ourselves, ‘was that ever me?’ The old us and the new us become two different beings.
We honour our body and start to feel gratitude in all things. We stop to smell the roses and appreciate the little things in life. We see the big picture amongst the challenges. We find the calm amongst the noise.
Ariana Huffington, CEO and Founder of Huffington Post and Author of Thrive says ‘when you’re clear about who you are and what you want to achieve in your life, it can be all to easy to burn out’ ‘ When you burn out your decision making capabilities decrease, your problem solving ability diminish and your productivity suffers greatly even though you don’t realise it’
When we make simple changes in the choices we make every day we can achieve all we want without burning out! It’s not worth burning out for!
It’s actually not cool to be stressed out any more. Being stressed is an old school mindset of living and working.
The new mindset is to be calm, emotionally agile, make some mistakes, admit to our faults, embrace them and move on… this is where we achieve more with less effort and are delightful people to be around, so why wouldn’t we make these changes.
As a successful Leader or Influencer and the choices we make in today’s world are responsible for the world we’re creating and leaving behind.
It’s important as a leader to lead from the heart and from a place of love not fear. This is a leader that inspires and motivates others to be a whole person and encourages them to want to be more. Emotions drive people and people drive performance.
At success we are inspired to make a difference and give back. This is a lovely place and the world becomes a beautiful place to be. I believe we now have reached the transformation of change to the person we were born to be. We are now living a life of purpose, fulfillment and freedom.
Change Ladder
Stages |
Emotion |
Success | Fulfillment |
Warrior | Empowered |
Action | Committed |
Preparation | Productive |
Awareness | Vulnerable |
Procrastination | Indecisive/Self Talk |
Depression /Melancholy | Lonely/Anxiety |
If you would like to know more about mentoring or consulting with Sandra get in touch here.