My name is Matt Lancashire. I’m the principal owner of Ray White New Farm and Ray White Spring Hill. I’ve known Sandra for about ten years. We met when I first got into real estate, and she actually purchased a property off me a few years ago. Everything I’ve done with Sandra has been amazing, we’ve become close mates over the period of time. Anything that’s got to do with business, from when she’s been with the REIQ or through the rentals, she’s always given me very, very, very great advice.

The reason I go to advice from Sandra is because she’s a really lovely person and she’s also one of the most authentic business people I know, which gives me great confidence that I’m going to get all of the right ideas and the right advice, for everything I need to do. It’s been an absolute privilege to be out of  doing a 60 second testimonial for her, and she’s going to be a amazing business person. I’m looking forward to working with her personally myself.


Sandra Larkin

Author Sandra Larkin

Sandra Larkin has worked in the service and sales sector of business for the past 38 years. Her experience spans across a broad spectrum of skill sets from providing excellent customer service, achieving high volume sales, organising professional development programs, establishing professional networks, building long-term relationships and securing high-level sponsorships.   Her tools and resources help give clients a practical strategy by following steps to discover their true potential and capability to achieve success.

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